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What makes the cranberry a useful product worth growing?

Lesson Plan:








  1.  If you want to use the video resources, arrange for video access.

  2. Set up whole class observation charts based on the examples below. Chalkboard, white board, or chart paper is appropriate.

    Observation Chart One:
    Observation Chart 1

    Observation Chart Two:
    Observation Chart 2

  3. Make Copies of Cranberry Observation Chart 2 (1 per group); click here to print chart

  4. Set up a Cranberry Questions Chart, on chart paper or in a location that can be kept posted for the duration of your cranberry studies. Label this sheet, Cranberry Questions; you will begin to collect questions during this lesson, and return to them throughout the curriculum.

  5. Wash a cup or so of cranberries (enough so that each student may taste 1-2) for tasting. Set them aside. Plan to use the remainder for the rest of the sensory explorations.

  6. If you do not have access to fresh, whole cranberries, it is important to substitute the videos for the personal experience with the cranberries. However, this alone is nowhere near as powerful as experiencing the whole cranberries on their own, or in conjunction with the videos.
  7. Prepare two medium sized samples (4 oz. or so) of cranberry products for each group (of 3-4 students). Each group should get its own combination of sample products, but there should be several different products distributed across the class.
    For example:
    Group 1: Cranberry relish, cranberry juice (red)

    Group 2: Cranberry relish, cranberry juice (white)

    Group 3: Cranberry chutney, cranberry juice (red)

    Group 4: Cranberry chutney, cranberry juice (white)

    Group 5: Canned cranberry sauce (whole cranberries), dried, sweetened cranberries

    Group 6: Canned cranberry sauce (whole cranberries), canned cranberry sauce (jellied) (Note: When your students smell the canned cranberry sauce, they may report a tinny odor. You might wish to have them also smell juice from another group’s sample so that they can distinguish between the cranberry fragrance and that of the container.)

    Group 7: Dried, sweetened cranberries, canned cranberry sauce (jellied)

